Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Spinning beach balls of death

In the newspaper world, we work on Mac computers. No matter where you work, everyone has shared a similar experience: The spinning beach ball of death (cue the orchestra!). You innocently try to save a file, or type some, or perhaps flow something into a layout and BAM — that happy little multicolored wheel pops up in front of you and spins. Then spins some more. And continues to spin. A curious thing happens to you as the spinning goes on. No, you don't become hypnotized, which might be a nice distraction. Instead, you start to feel the temperature rising. Your face will most likely become flushed. Your eyes narrow. Your jaw clenches, teeth grind and gnash. And that little f*@#ing wheel just keeps spinning like something out of Willy Wonkaland until finally you can't take it anymore! You've had enough of this! NO MORE SPINNING WHEEL! So you hold down the option key and click on the program and select "Force Quit." Only, sometimes it doesn't work. MY GOD! HOW CAN IT NOT WORK? Exhausted and depressed, most likely looking forward to redoing a whole morning of work, you slam your head down on the keyboard, hoping maybe one of the keys will pop out and poke y0u in the eye so you can't see that damnable beach ball anymore. Of course, your forehead magically selects the correct series of keys, the program unfreezes and you are forced to go back to actually working. Maybe you should have just let the beach ball spin.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Happiness is a Warm Gun...or something like that

If the universe had a anthropomorphic personification, it would definitely be a rosy cheeked little fat man in a hat with a bell on it. And yes, the bell is key. You can't run around causing such mischief without a jingling hat. Probably he's named "Skippy."
I say all this because after the weekend I just experienced, it's clear that the universe is nothing short of ridiculous. A long series of overdramatic experiences culminated in one head-slapping "duh!" moment in which life became clarified. The path was clear; the angst was gone.
Apparently, my mom was right when she told me it's OK to fall in love.
Which brings us back to the Skippy, the universe. Cause the past ten years of my life have apparently been a circle leading me back to my first boyfriend. Outside of the movies, when the hell does that actually happen in real life? Mock me if you will, Skippy. But the last laugh is all mine.