But recently, my singing has attracted a fan. My one and only fan, but I couldn't ask for anything more. Granted, she's only 3.5 months old, so her musical tastes aren't the most refined. But what she lacks in size and experience, she more than makes up for in enthusiasm.
When I'm putting her to bed at night, I cradle her and sing the classics. You know, Fleetwood Mac, the Eagles, Tom Petty, the Beatles, Don McLean.
When I sing to her, she holds my gaze and smiles, all dimples popping and laughs like I'm the best thing since, well, breast milk I guess.
I will never win a Grammy, but that's OK. I've got something better -- an adoring audience of one.

Thanks for making me cry so early in the morning baby girl. I loved it. You should get that one published in your paper. Oh, and you have improved much over the years.
I concur wit your mudder,you croon much better since you was a teenager.I'm gonna try that next time the future rugrat is here and see what she thinks.luvC.
I could squeeze something outa that sweet little thing.
your mom and I sang to her and I sang a couple of solos,she likes the chorus to american pie the best.I love the way she stares at you like shes hypnotized,could be disgust but I still like it.C
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