I'm so sick of every person elected an office that I could scream. But I'm even more sick of all those blithering idiots out there who proclaim THEIR chosen candidate or party is right, yours is wrong and obviously destroying our country!
Guess what people: They ALL suck. Gone are the days of Washington, Jefferson, Franklin and Adams. There are no statesmen anymore, just used car salesmen with good speech writers. (Disclaimer: No offense to the good car salesmen of the world, I'm sure there are a few of you.)
No matter who you think is destroying this nation (Is it Obama and Pelosi? The Republican minority in Congress? Which side do you fall on?), the fault is entirely ours. We the People have allowed this union to become less perfect, not more. We allow politicians to sway us with beautiful oratory or a twangy southern drawl. We spout taglines like "Yes, we can" and "Change you can believe in" rather than becoming informed. Informed doesn't mean watching Fox News or CNN. Informed means not only knowing what's on a candidates platform but also taking the time to find out what he's done to support what those stances (How did this person vote on XX bill? Was he/she consistent or did they later cave to special interest group power or make a deal to get big bucks for come cockamamie project in their state in exchange for a vote on a bill they said previously they would never, ever vote for?)
Most important, however, is NEVER BUY INTO THE HYPE! For crying out loud, stop being so damn gullible. I hate to get all X-Files on everyone, but TRUST NO ONE (in politics). This goes for every side.
And please, stop listening to talk show hosts. Rush Limbaugh and everyone like him, on the conservative and liberal sides, are on the air solely to make money and entertain. Their jobs are NOT to inform the public. Why? Because that's not good television (or radio, whichever).
Ok, that's the end of my rant. Peace out.
What a Decade!
15 years ago
they is mostly lawyers and all theys wants is money and when they gets elected they jus takes it.whats 5000 politicians at the bottom of the ocean?C
Not enough!
I second that emotion.
Man, were you fired up last night!! Right on chickadee! "Say it Loud, Say it Proud," as to quote the late James Brown.
Oh by the way, one of your good friends is a lawyer. She's not included right?
can she swim?C
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